考特尼 & 博伊尔格林伍德

"Sending our four children to MV has been the best decision we have made. The sense of community, the individualized attention, and the compassion and dedication the teachers give each student is remarkable."


  • PreK - 3年级

    Explore, Collaborate, and Discover
Children are born with an innate drive to learn. 在 较低的学校, 我们开始提供一个环境,通过游戏和森林学校启发的项目来促进这一理念,这个项目重视过程而不是产品,并为成年人提供信任, caring relationships.

我们的低年级是独一无二的,因为我们充分利用了我们75英亩的校园,包括树林, 小溪, 字段, and trails for teachers to implement the curriculum and our Forest School-inspired program. The 较低的学校 engages, 培育, 并支持幼儿通过探究追求知识和意义, 的社会性 development, child-centered curriculum, and creative expression. This is where our students begin their journey toward becoming competent, 富有同情心的, 协作, and creative global citizens.

The Maumee Valley 较低的学校 places children based on their development, which allows for classroom groupings that best meet each child's needs. Our team of expert educators focuses on “whole child development,” ensuring that each student’s cognitive, 的社会性, 在满足孩子们生理需求的同时,还要注意他们独特的交流和学习方式.

2023-2024 较低的学校 Viewbook

LS俱乐部 & 活动


  • 体育运动

    Basketball: K/1 after spring break and 2/3 fall basketball
    Field hockey: Grade 3 starting in November
    Track and field: Grade 3 after spring break
  • 俱乐部

    • 艺术俱乐部:学生可以加入LS艺术俱乐部,与老师和同学更紧密地合作.
    • Kid Kouncil (Grade 3)
    • Green Team (等级2 & 3)
  • 音乐

    较低的学校 Strings is offered to students beginning in 2nd grade. 学生可以选择学习小提琴、中提琴、大提琴或贝斯. 在字符串, students will learn proper playing techniques, how to read music in the staff, how to be independent on their part, and how to play with a large ensemble. LS弦乐为学生提供额外的表演机会,包括低年级的集会, 音乐会, and outreach opportunities. LS Strings rehearse once a week after school.
  • Private music lessons

    莫米山谷的创意艺术项目为学生提供了在上学期间和放学后上私人音乐课的机会. 我们目前提供弦乐器(小提琴,中提琴,大提琴),吉他和钢琴的指导. 学生们被安排在每周的某个时间上30分钟的课,或者在放学后不久. Lessons are held weekly September-小君e, excluding school breaks.

    费用是每30分钟23美元,每45分钟35美元,直接支付给教师. 期末独奏会通常安排在12月和5月,为学生提供表演他们所学知识的机会. For more information on our instructors, please visit the “lessons & tutoring” tile on MyMV under the resources tab.

Forest School Inspired ...

Our 较低的学校 is a Forest School-inspired program 这为学生导向的基于自然的学习注入了学术和社会情感课程. 莫米山谷拥有超过75英亩的森林,正等待着人们去探索. 我们的课程帮助我们最年轻的学习者与我们周围美丽的自然空间联系起来.
让所有孩子都有时间探索大自然,无论他们选择什么,都是重中之重. 孩子们通过自我引导和深度参与的游戏获得自豪感和成长. 我们的课程将传统的斯堪的纳维亚哲学与我们的发展相适应的课程相结合. You can find our teachers conducting their morning meetings outside, our students planting in our garden beds, 我们的父母通过孩子的数字作品集和他们的孩子谈论他们的学习经历.    
我们通过让孩子们的感官与周围的环境相结合来鼓励他们的意识. We often ask questions such as “What has changed since our last visit?”, “How does the water feel today?”, “Can you smell an acorn?”, “Do you think that is one bird calling?,或者很多。?”, and “Who do you think lives in our park?” These questions serve as a way to foster a connection with nature, 鼓励孩子在玩耍时思考周围发生的事情. 
Our 75-acre campus allows us to take our learning outside. 我们的孩子可以发现通过攀岩加强精细和大肌肉运动和社交情感技能, 建筑, 挖掘, 一起工作, and problem solving in the forest. 我们也把外面的东西带进教室,把自然融入到我们以游戏为基础的学习活动中. Children can be seen sorting rocks, 计数橡子, 使信, writing words or ordering sticks from shortest to longest, among other nature-inspired activities. At Maumee Valley, we are not afraid to get dirty while learning.

Review the 较低的学校 curriculum



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Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.